Thursday, March 29, 2012

New Love

Today was my doctors appointment about my back.  Dr. Knapp said that I needed some physical therapy.  She also did some blood work on me, and I don't know the results until tomorrow.  Then she wants to check my cortisol levels...which means for 24 hours I have to collect all my urine in this jug and the jug has to stay in our about gross....ewwwwwwwwwwww!  I don't know what the point of that is or what kind of test to figure whatever out.  Then after the doctor appointment I came home and looked up chiropractor/physical therapy and I found one like 5 minutes from my house and I love her!  She took some xrays, did her assessment of me, put this little zapper, buzzing things on me for 10 minutes.  Then I got to go on this rolling bed that rolled this thing all the way up and down my spine, definitely felt really good.  My back is still hurting but I'm supposed to ice it, and the ice feels really good! Then during the day I can put these patches on it to help get me through my work day.  I have work tomorrow, no real plans for Saturday or Sunday quite yet, then Monday I see my psychiatrist again, and then Tuesday I'm back to the chiropractor.  Somewhere in there I will make a dentists appointment.  I'm getting all my things on track.  No more screwing off....gonna get my crap together.  Weening off some of my meds, get my head on straight and thinking good and then to shave off these pounds.  Hopefully my back will be feeling better soon, because I miss the gym! 
Tonight Donna and I went to the pet store because I found out that they have a non prescription dry food for urinary support.  Ollie is on a canned food prescription urinary health but he sometimes gets into the dry food, so I figured I find a food like that so if he does eat it it will support his bladder!  I'm being so good to my boy, I might just be the best kitty momma yet!

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