Friday, November 18, 2011

It's been too long!

Haven't written a blog in a LONG time!  Sorry about that...if any of you care!  So let's see I've been mostly busy helping my aunt paint her family room and dining room the last 2 weeks.  I dog sat for her on Friday night because she was going to Chicago to meet my uncle that was just there for the night, the next morning he was off to Japan.  Saturday I went shopping and got some new books.  Sunday I did laundry, went grocery shopping, and made a huge lasagna with Momma Donna (sounds boring but it was a long, fun day).   Tuesday I had dinner with my mom, and last night was the last night of painting at my aunts house because we finished! YAY!  We got the new furniture placed just right and had all the painting done!  We did a damn good job! 

SEE! It looks beautiful!
Tonight was the BEST night ever! My sister Malissa, her bff Kayla, Emily (Sue's daughter), Momma Donna, and I all went to the midnight premiere of Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1....OMG it was awesome! I loved it! However, I am not happy about having to wait a whole other year to see the part 2 :( 

Ok besides all that, most of you may know that I'm big on quotes and stories that mean something to my heart...over the last week I found two things that struck me and wanted to share them with you all.  One of them I took from my friend Erika's facebook status and that is "Always tell the ones you love that you love them, always give love a second chance because you never want to be left thinking what if ♥"  I'm trying to do this but it's easier said then done....where do you even begin?  How can I do this when I can't even find myself? How can I do this when I don't even know what I want? How can I do this when I'm not happy? How can I do this when I'm not happy with myself right now?  How can I do this when I'm not happy with a career right now? How can I do this when I am not happy with money right now? How can I do this when I am not happy with family relationships right now?  How can I do this not being happy with schooling right now? How can I do anything?  How can I love again? How can I heal? I feel like it's never going to happen....I'm never going to feel happy, unless___________.  If anyone can answer these questions and fill in that blank for me, without being sarcastic, mean, and hurtful I'll gladly hear the answers. 

The other thing I read was on someone facebook that I had copied and saved but don't remember who's it was, anyhow here it is......
Boy:I broke up with her.
 His Best Friend:What happened?

Boy:She’s just too much for me.
 His Best Friend:What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?
 Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good,
 always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
 His Best Friend:So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes
 locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl
 under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..

Boy:Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!
 His Best Friend:So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..

Boy:But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!
 His Best Friend:So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..

Boy:I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her.
 His Best Friend:So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I

Boy:Well, she..
 His Best Friend:You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?

Boy:I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me?
 His Best Friend:
You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could.You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you.

I just love that, especially the part in red! Well it's 3am, suppose I should get to bed....ah who am I kidding? I can't sleep just yet, so of course I'll read.  Good Night </3

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