So the last few nights I haven't been able to sleep, and I woke up for work this morning soooooo tired! The worst part is having to go start my truck to warm it up :( Means winter is coming! So I shuffled outside in my pj's and slippers, hair all a mess (bet I looked attractive, haha NOT) and started my truck. I hurried back in, got dressed, did my hair and left for work. Got to work, totally forgot that Richard wasn't in, walked all of 3 dogs...but only spot cleaned. All of this seems very boring however on my ride to work and walking those 3 dogs I made an important decision. The guy I've been seeing is no more....yep, I did it! I told him that it just wasn't working, that my heart wasn't 100 percent in it and that that wasn't fair to him and that I needed some time for me. I feel much, much better now! I tried so hard to like him a lot and make things work so that I can be the "dating, fun" girl but it just wasn't working. Oh day it will happen for me! One day I will be happy! Until then, I have me to focus on....and the best boy to keep me great company! Care to see who that boy is? Hehe, look below ;)
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