Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day of Thanks: Happy Thanksgiving!

So today is Thanksgiving and I worked all day long.  I worked 8-6pm.  I woke up at 7am and got ready for work.  Ollie was cracking me up chasing a cap to a soda bottle around my room until it got stuck under the TV.  I drove to work and I just love when there is no traffic!  So today is a day to say what I am thankful for so here it goes....
1.  I am thankful that I am alive: some days I feel like I can't do it anymore but I make it through, just taking one day at a time.
2.  I am thankful for Papa.  I am thankful that he works two jobs to provide for his family.  He does this so that we all have everything that we need and most of what we want.  He sacrifices his time, energy, and sleep to give us everything we have.  We may not get all the time in the world to spend with him, but he sure makes sure that we have what we need.  By blood he isn't my father, not even by marriage is he my step-father...he once was but technically not anymore.  I am thankful that he took me in as his own, and considers me his daughter.  I don't know where I'd be in life if it weren't for him.  He's my hero.  He's my prince in shining armor :)
3.  I am thankful for Momma Donna.  She is literally my best friend.  I tell her everything and more!  She knows me better than I know myself at times.  She is not my mother by blood, nor is she my mother by marriage. ...she is such a great mom and mother that she took me in as her daughter because I was part of Papa's life.  We were destined to meet...I need her and she needs me too!  She gives me the time that a mother-daughter relationship should have.  I always wanted a mother-daughter relationship like in the movies....she gives that to me.  That's what I am thankful for.
4.  I am thankful for my two wonderful kitties, Libby Lue and Ollie.  They are probably the only two things that make me completely and utterly happy at this time in my life.  They are always there when I need them, they are there to lick my tears, and I can't help but smile when I see them.  They are the best cuddlers!
5.  I am thankful for my job!  Not everyone is fortunate to have a job and I have a good one!  I have the best coworkers!  Especially my boarding staff team....they are the best!  During this holiday they kick it into high gear and walk a million dogs in the cold multiple times a day.  Thank you Brandy, Abbie, Kyle, and are my stars!
6.  I am thankful for my Aunt Mary and Uncle Lee.  They are very supportive in my life.whether it be with advice or money to fix my broken truck.  I appreciate everything that they do for me, not one thing goes unseen :)
7.  I am thankful for my truck.  I just love it!
8.  I am thankful for books!  I just love to read, so I want to thank all the wonderful authors that aid in my entertainment.
9.  I am thankful for my laptop and Internet so that I am capable to write this blog for all of you to read.
10.  I am thankful for Starbucks! It's the best tasting coffee!
11.  I am thankful to all of my blog followers/readers....I wasn't sure if anyone would even read this when I started it but I soon learned especially after Sunday's post that lots of people take the time to read my blog.  I hope that it helps you and gives you insight into my inner life.  I use my blog as an outlet, kind of like a diary.  Just to make things clear...I'm not looking for pity, or for people to feel sorry for me....and in no way shape or form am I whining....I just don't like all these mixed feelings I've been having and it helps a little to get it all out.  So thank you again for taking the time to read my blog and letting me share my life with you.
Momma Donna sent me this picture while I was at work, telling me that it was weird having Thanksgiving dinner without me. 
I had originally scheduled myself to work on Thanksgiving because of the extra money, however on my drive home tonight, I realized that I think I subconsciously did it because if I worked all day it wouldn't give me a whole lot of time to dwell on the holiday without HIM.  I don't know why but the holidays are the hardest....I am also thankful that I didn't cry today....well didn't cry YET lol!  There is still time left for that, hopefully not but I never know when it's going to hit me.  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Thanks again for taking the time to read my blog.  If any of you ever have any questions or want me to write about anything specific I will most definitely take anything into consideration.  Most of the time conversations and thoughts in my day to day life are what inspires me on what to write and share with you all.
</3 Krysta

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