Tuesday, August 14, 2012

No Inspiration

Hey everyone!  I don't have much inspiration today nor an idea on what to write today, but feel like I should.  I worked until 2 today and was super busy all day long.  I literally didn't have a minute to spare.  I didn't eat a bite of food until 3:30pm! Can you believe that? It was torture!  I have semi good news, my friend Anna texted me today.  I am hoping that she sticks around.  I told her to read my blog post from last night, so hopefully that will give her some insight.  Before starting this blog post, I reread my last one...sorry for the typos and for not addressing all of the people that have helped or been there for me individually.  You all have been here the whole way through and I thank you for that.  Last nights post was basically to sum up the summer (because it will be coming to an end) and thank my immediate family (the ones I share a home/hotel with) for everything that they do and how grateful I am to have them.  They don't get to hear all the time how they really are seen.  I don't tell Papa and Donna everyday how I think they are being so strong for our family and how much they have worked their ass off for us.  I think they should get to hear it, and more often.  After posting my blog last night I felt guilty for not addressing other people, so please don't take offense that I didn't do that.  I just wanted them to know how strong I think they are.  I can't believe in almost 2 weeks we could be back in our house.  I feel excited, nervous, happy, but anxious.  Many things have been changed...hell who am I kidding? Everything in the house has been changed.  I don't know how many of you have been in my house prior to the fire but we didn't have a breakfast bar, now we do.  We had two doors to the bathroom, now we just have one.  My room had a walk in closet, and now it is pushed all the way back to the other basement wall.  Our tub was in one spot and now it's in another.  We will have all new furniture, nothings going to be the same.  I wish Ollie would be there to spend my first night back in the house with me.  I was talking to a girl at work and she said that her family was building a house years ago, and the first night it was done they camped out in the living room in sleeping bags because the furniture hadn't come yet.  If ours doesn't come, I'd like to do that too!  I am thrilled to get back in our house and not be in this hotel anymore.  After getting settled back in, I want to resume a semi normal routine. I want to wake up and do my hair and make up, make myself feel some what pretty.  I want to go to work in the morning and not be waking everyone up because you can hear everything in the hotel room.  I want to have normal dinners as a family where the food doesn't stick horribly to the pans (bad experience with Sicilian steak here at the hotel).  I want to get back into the gym and start my workout routine again.  I want to start losing weight and getting back to the "old" me.  In all of that, I'm hoping and praying that Ollie makes his way to me.  I don't think anyone understands how much I miss my boy.  I'm still trying to figure out how to pick up the pieces of my broken heart, it's extra hard because before the fire it was already so broken...so they've been shattered.  But piece by piece, one day I'll get there.  It may seem like it's not coming for me but Papa always says that "this too shall pass".  So, this too shall pass, and my heart will be pieced back together with only small holes for the things and ones I've lost.  Hopefully, I will find a new boy and my new kitty "Ollie" that help fill those little holes so that they don't break open again. 
I always feel like I'm rambling on here with no direction, so I hope some of this has made sense.  If anyone has advice or feedback or some inspiration for me, I'm always happy to hear it. 

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