Thursday, May 17, 2012


My day was very interesting.  I woke up and left the house earlier with intentions of getting Starbucks and getting to work a little early.  Got through the Starbucks drive-thru rather quick, which was nice.  Go to get on the free at 9:35am and it was bumper to bumper....seriously??? really? So much for getting to work early, but I still punched in on time 10:00am on the dot!  The morning was interesting.  You all know already that I work at an animal hospital and I have some very interesting days. So I can't use names and etc obviously but I can tell you the story today just as well.  So they were doing a dental on this dog, they asked me to go in and help when the dog wakes up.  When humans wake up from surgery its all normal and maybe a little drowsy or what not right? Well, when animals wake up you can never predict how they will be.  Some wake up just fine, others flop around, others scream etc.  This dog wasn't seeming to wake up, well all of a sudden she just woke up and started screaming and thrashing then stared growling and showing coworker was awesome and got everything under control with my help....but what was funny, was that with the dog making all that noise and what not a bunch of people came running in to help.....thank God!  That is one thing I just love about my job is that when you need help in a serious situation they come running. I wish I could have all my family and close friends come in and shadow or work at BRAH for the day....then they would understand all the craziness! Then Brandy my coworker and I decided since it was so nice out we would start laying the mulch on our path that we walk the dogs.  It was tough work, bad on my back, but I was OK.  Got a few blisters on my hands, but it's all good.  Brandy and I had so many laughs today....just about the stupidest things but it's been awhile since I had laughs like that.  Her and I flow pretty easy together and we have many laughs.  So I just wanted to say thank you to my dear Brandy for helping my laugh today.  I had some stuff on my mind and she listened and helped me get through the day by laughing.  After work I met Donna at urgent care because she was having some weird chest pain, went to just support her.  I just got home a little before it's been a long busy day!  I'll end this blog with, boys are so confusing...I don't get them, and I don't think I ever will! Sigh....Love you all!

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